Concordance for noun magneto


The page lists top contexts for noun magneto and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
30.33%  magneto generator
17.80%  flywheel magneto
9.25%  magneto coil
8.70%  magneto system
4.47%  magneto ignition
4.42%  magneto rotor
3.88%  magneto [does] induce
3.65%  magneto assembly
2.64%  magneto winding
1.52%  magneto rotation
1.42%  include magneto [perform operation]
1.23%  magneto [does] generate
1.20%  rotate magneto [perform operation]
1.10%  magneto [does] have
1.07%  drive magneto [perform operation]
1.05%  conventional [typicality] magneto
1.01%  use magneto [perform operation]
0.99%  have magneto [perform operation]
0.83%  magneto output
0.82%  magneto [does] comprise
0.65%  magneto operation
0.64%  magneto [does] provide
0.62%  show magneto [perform operation]
0.61%  magneto unit


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