Concordance for noun length


The page lists top contexts for noun length and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
2.64%  axial [direction] length
2.12%  entire [completeness] length
1.64%  have length [perform operation]
1.51%  time length
1.46%  overall [completeness] length
1.40%  effective [effectiveness] length
1.21%  extend length [perform operation]
1.09%  predetermined [representation] length
1.03%  arc length
1.00%  shorten length [perform operation]
0.84%  sufficient [amount] length
0.81%  short [size] length
0.77%  equal [similarity] length
0.73%  stroke length
0.71%  adjust length [perform operation]
0.67%  total [amount] length
0.67%  arm length
0.63%  attenuation length
0.60%  rod length
0.58%  full [completeness] length
0.58%  pipe length
0.57%  longitudinal [direction] length
0.56%  vary length [perform operation]
0.55%  inch in length
0.55%  tubing length
0.53%  increase length [perform operation]
0.52%  tube length
0.52%  portion length
0.51%  period length
0.51%  inch length
0.50%  have along length
0.50%  circumferential [location] length
0.46%  whole [completeness] length
0.45%  length [location] extend
0.44%  chain length
0.44%  extend over length
0.44%  different [similarity] length
0.42%  shorter length
0.42%  adjustable in length
0.42%  mm length
0.40%  passage length
0.40%  reduce length [perform operation]
0.40%  length lvos
0.39%  longer than length
0.38%  equal to length
0.37%  member length
0.36%  length lvom
0.36%  curve length
0.35%  change length [perform operation]
0.34%  have over length
0.33%  link length
0.33%  length dimension
0.32%  cable length
0.32%  circular along length
0.32%  shaft length
0.32%  determine length [perform operation]
0.31%  strut length
0.31%  pulse length
0.31%  slot length
0.30%  maximum [size] length
0.30%  greater length
0.30%  length adjustment
0.30%  path length
0.29%  length extend
0.28%  shorter in length
0.28%  uniform through length
0.28%  length [is] mm
0.28%  wave length
0.28%  chamber length
0.27%  length [location] vary
0.27%  substantial [importance] length
0.27%  stem length
0.26%  longer length
0.26%  spring length
0.26%  greater than length
0.26%  length [connection] cut
0.25%  length [attribute] equal
0.25%  shorter than length
0.25%  unequal length
0.25%  long [size] length
0.25%  adjustable [physical/chemical] length
0.24%  length [is] inch
0.24%  length [purpose] extend
0.24%  equal in length
0.24%  lever length
0.23%  wheelbase length
0.23%  variable [time periodicity] length
0.23%  desired [effectiveness] length
0.23%  column length
0.22%  unsupported [connection] length
0.22%  groove length
0.22%  have through length
0.22%  conduit length
0.22%  length [is] length
0.22%  assembly length
0.22%  line length
0.22%  less [degree] length
0.21%  length [is] length
0.21%  travel length [perform operation]
0.21%  short in length
0.21%  lining length
0.21%  length [attribute] greater
0.21%  length [does] determine
0.21%  gap length
0.20%  run length [perform operation]
0.20%  travel length
0.20%  orifice length
0.20%  select length [perform operation]
0.20%  wire length
0.20%  extend through length
0.20%  change in length
0.19%  unit length
0.19%  cylinder length
0.19%  length [does] vary
0.19%  section length
0.19%  less [size] length
0.19%  extended [time duration] length
0.19%  body length
0.19%  hose length
0.19%  bore length
0.18%  certain [certainty] length
0.18%  piston length
0.18%  housing length
0.18%  length [does] extend
0.18%  constructional [domain related] length
0.18%  length have
0.17%  decrease length [perform operation]
0.17%  length than length
0.17%  arcuate [shape] length
0.17%  leg length
0.17%  minimum [size] length
0.17%  area along length
0.17%  cm length
0.17%  surface length
0.17%  part length
0.17%  more [amount] length
0.17%  exceed length [perform operation]
0.17%  define length [perform operation]
0.17%  length [attribute] sufficient
0.16%  length ratio
0.16%  hole length
0.16%  present along length
0.16%  minimize length [perform operation]
0.16%  combined [connection] length
0.15%  extension length
0.15%  radial [shape] length
0.15%  measure length [perform operation]
0.15%  increased [increase] length
0.15%  length than length
0.15%  length like stroke
0.15%  less than length


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