Concordance for noun leaf


The page lists top contexts for noun leaf and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
67.62%  leaf spring
13.87%  leaf [does] spring
2.36%  elastic [resilience] leaf
2.25%  leaf assembly
1.62%  leaf member
1.43%  leaf blower
1.34%  switch leaf
1.16%  leaf suspension
1.14%  leaf plate
1.11%  spring leaf
0.62%  leaf section
0.60%  leaf means
0.55%  leaf end
0.52%  leaf system
0.43%  leaf [does] open
0.42%  leaf valve
0.41%  suspension leaf
0.34%  leaf set
0.33%  conventional [typicality] leaf
0.31%  plurality leaf
0.30%  metal leaf
0.28%  pair leaf
0.28%  leaf ring
0.23%  include leaf [perform operation]
0.19%  leaf portion
0.15%  comprise leaf [perform operation]


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