Concordance for verb laminate


The page lists top contexts for verb laminate and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
20.33%  laminate cmc [perform operation]
13.79%  laminate plate [perform operation]
9.27%  laminate layer [perform operation]
8.55%  substrate [connection] laminate
8.03%  laminate cell [perform operation]
7.90%  form by laminate
6.89%  laminate sheet [perform operation]
4.89%  laminate material [perform operation]
4.52%  laminate separator [perform operation]
4.41%  laminate number [perform operation]
4.39%  together [manner] laminate
3.66%  laminate element [perform operation]
2.21%  so [resume] laminate
1.10%  laminate modal may


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