Concordance for noun kstr


The page lists top contexts for noun kstr and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
24.47%  adaptive [functioning] kstr
20.74%  coefficient kstr
18.17%  correction kstr
6.98%  control kstr
6.09%  feedback kstr
4.96%  calculate kstr [perform operation]
2.32%  suitable than kstr
2.14%  determine kstr [perform operation]
1.47%  kstr value
1.34%  variable [time periodicity] kstr
1.34%  kstr manipulate
1.32%  difference between kstr
1.02%  execute kstr [perform operation]
1.00%  output kstr [perform operation]
0.88%  kstr calculation
0.78%  apply kstr [perform operation]
0.74%  set kstr [perform operation]
0.73%  kstr [connection] set
0.70%  kstr [does] divide
0.55%  use kstr [perform operation]
0.55%  assume kstr [perform operation]
0.37%  supply kstr [perform operation]
0.37%  flag kstr
0.32%  produce kstr [perform operation]
0.28%  kstr [location] base
0.24%  kstr cylinder


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