Concordance for noun judgment


The page lists top contexts for noun judgment and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

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12.91%  judgment result
9.30%  make judgment [perform operation]
6.47%  judgment [does] prove
6.01%  answer to judgment
5.15%  leakage judgment
4.29%  carry out judgment [perform operation]
4.07%  judgment ADVP no
3.38%  judgment nstart
3.13%  judgment means
2.82%  disorder judgment
2.73%  judgment in step
2.32%  fail judgment
2.25%  make on judgment [perform operation]
2.13%  judgment level
2.07%  affirmative [evaluation] judgment
2.02%  judgment section
1.96%  erroneous [accuracy] judgment
1.81%  rich/lean judgment
1.81%  perform judgment [perform operation]
1.79%  execute judgment [perform operation]
1.67%  judgment at step
1.57%  judgment [location] base
1.51%  deterioration judgment
1.45%  judgment threshold
1.21%  judgment ta
0.94%  judgment [is] step
0.90%  negative [effectiveness] judgment
0.90%  accurate [accuracy] judgment
0.83%  judgment routine
0.83%  temperature judgment
0.79%  judgment circuit
0.78%  judgment subroutine
0.78%  lean [constitution] judgment
0.73%  judgment program
0.68%  conduct judgment [perform operation]
0.66%  judgment step
0.65%  rich [social status] judgment
0.64%  judgment value
0.62%  judgment operation
0.61%  judgment signal
0.59%  step judgment
0.57%  condition judgment
0.49%  positive [certainty] judgment
0.41%  judgment condition
0.33%  allow judgment [perform operation]
0.19%  judgment device


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