Concordance for noun judgement


The page lists top contexts for noun judgement and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
10.88%  make judgement [perform operation]
9.33%  judgement result
6.50%  judgement ADVP no
6.22%  judgement in step
3.68%  comparison judgement
3.54%  judgement [using as instrument] choose
3.38%  deterioration judgement
3.34%  affirmative [evaluation] judgement
3.28%  engineering judgement
2.55%  step [attribute] judgement
2.48%  judgement [does] prove
2.43%  step in judgement
2.23%  sound [validity] judgement
2.18%  choose with judgement
2.16%  judgement signal
2.01%  negative [effectiveness] judgement
1.98%  judgement step
1.82%  judgement value
1.65%  judgement answer
1.62%  judgement reference
1.62%  rich-lean judgement
1.60%  activity judgement
1.51%  judgement [is] inversion
1.48%  judgement at step
1.41%  do judgement [perform operation]
1.30%  judgement dlnlvlmx
1.26%  judgement proceed
1.16%  ratio judgement
1.08%  judgement flag
1.08%  misfire judgement
0.96%  judgement means
0.94%  rich [social status] judgement
0.79%  execute judgement [perform operation]
0.78%  judgement [does] judge
0.73%  failure judgement
0.72%  factor judgement
0.69%  perform judgement [perform operation]
0.66%  judgement carry out
0.66%  carry out judgement [perform operation]
0.65%  state judgement
0.55%  judgement circuit
0.52%  judgement [temporal] carry out
0.51%  judgement [purpose] use
0.49%  condition judgement
0.48%  judgement portion
0.45%  judgement level
0.44%  hand [concequence] judgement
0.40%  hold judgement [perform operation]
0.38%  judgement section
0.35%  judgement [location] base
0.35%  output judgement
0.28%  means judgement
0.21%  judgement condition


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