Concordance for noun hyperplane


The page lists top contexts for noun hyperplane and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
42.49%  hyperplane [location] converge
19.79%  converge on hyperplane
5.71%  converge hyperplane [perform operation]
5.16%  hyperplane converge
3.76%  hyperplane controller
3.28%  vary hyperplane [perform operation]
2.87%  establish hyperplane [perform operation]
2.67%  hyperplane [does] set
2.00%  direction from hyperplane
1.92%  hyperplane gradient
1.83%  express hyperplane [perform operation]
1.79%  process hyperplane
1.65%  hyperplane ADVP etc
1.34%  call hyperplane [perform operation]
1.12%  construct hyperplane [perform operation]
0.97%  define hyperplane [perform operation]
0.63%  use hyperplane [perform operation]
0.60%  hyperplane [does] comprise
0.33%  hyperplane [does] have


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