Concordance for adverbial horizontally


The page lists top contexts for adverbial horizontally and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
25.21%  horizontally [orientation] extend
8.67%  horizontally [orientation] dispose
5.52%  horizontally [orientation] extending
3.55%  horizontally [orientation] disposed
3.40%  horizontally [orientation] move
3.12%  substantially horizontally
2.80%  horizontally [orientation] oriented
2.65%  horizontally [orientation] opposed
2.65%  horizontally [orientation] mount
2.52%  horizontally [orientation] align
2.40%  horizontally [orientation] arrange
2.25%  horizontally [orientation] support
1.85%  horizontally [orientation] orient
1.69%  horizontally [orientation] position
1.67%  horizontally extending
1.67%  horizontally [orientation] space
1.64%  horizontally [orientation] project
1.58%  horizontally [orientation] direct
1.13%  horizontally [orientation] oppose
1.12%  horizontally [orientation] portion
1.09%  horizontally [orientation] offset
1.03%  horizontally [orientation] form
0.93%  horizontally oriented
0.85%  horizontally disposed
0.85%  horizontally [orientation] displace
0.83%  horizontally [orientation] flow
0.79%  horizontally opposed
0.76%  approximately horizontally
0.72%  horizontally [orientation] spaced
0.72%  horizontally [orientation] divide
0.68%  horizontally [orientation] include
0.64%  horizontally mounted
0.64%  horizontally [orientation] section
0.57%  horizontally [orientation] mounted
0.57%  horizontally [orientation] place
0.56%  horizontally [orientation] bore
0.56%  horizontally [orientation] face
0.56%  orient ADVP horizontally
0.56%  horizontally [orientation] aligned
0.54%  horizontally [orientation] member
0.53%  horizontally [orientation] run
0.52%  horizontally [orientation] locate
0.50%  horizontally [orientation] elongated
0.50%  horizontally [orientation] pivot
0.48%  horizontally [orientation] pass
0.45%  horizontally transverse
0.45%  horizontally [orientation] secure
0.43%  horizontally [orientation] have
0.43%  horizontally [orientation] lie
0.39%  horizontally [orientation] bend
0.39%  horizontally [orientation] relative
0.39%  horizontally [orientation] provide
0.37%  align ADVP horizontally
0.37%  horizontally [orientation] rotate
0.36%  horizontally parallel
0.34%  horizontally [orientation] connect
0.34%  horizontally movable
0.31%  essentially horizontally
0.27%  almost horizontally
0.23%  horizontally engine
0.10%  horizontally surface


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