Concordance for adjective homogeneous


The page lists top contexts for adjective homogeneous and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
23.51%  homogeneous [structure] mixture
20.15%  homogeneous [structure] combustion
11.90%  homogeneous [structure] mode
10.19%  homogeneous [structure] zone
4.77%  homogeneous [structure] blend
4.24%  homogeneous [structure] charge
3.71%  homogeneous [structure] state
2.92%  homogeneous [structure] distribution
1.81%  homogeneous [structure] operation
1.68%  intermolecularly homogeneous
1.68%  homogeneous [structure] formation
1.30%  homogeneous [structure] mixing
1.29%  homogeneous [structure] burning
1.05%  homogeneous [structure] solution
1.02%  homogeneous [structure] phase
0.97%  homogeneous [structure] material
0.84%  homogeneous [structure] carburetion
0.79%  homogeneous [structure] engine
0.74%  homogeneous [structure] composition
0.66%  homogeneous [structure] region
0.59%  homogeneous [structure] chain
0.56%  homogeneous [structure] admixture
0.52%  homogeneous [structure] copolymer
0.49%  substantially homogeneous
0.44%  homogeneous [structure] gas
0.42%  homogeneous [structure] portion
0.40%  substantially [degree] homogeneous
0.40%  homogeneous [structure] body
0.39%  homogeneous [structure] surface
0.20%  more homogeneous
0.12%  more [degree] homogeneous
0.08%  homogeneous in chamber


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