Concordance for noun hazard


The page lists top contexts for noun hazard and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
9.70%  fire hazard
9.44%  safety hazard
7.45%  present hazard [perform operation]
6.29%  health hazard
6.29%  unexpected [certainty] hazard
5.89%  explosion hazard
5.63%  potential [certainty] hazard
5.08%  environmental [natural phenomenon] hazard
4.53%  hazard warning
3.92%  serious [importance] hazard
3.89%  pose hazard [perform operation]
3.21%  create hazard [perform operation]
2.55%  hazard light
1.85%  hazard switch
1.79%  become hazard [perform operation]
1.75%  road hazard
1.70%  encounter hazard [perform operation]
1.67%  shock hazard
1.54%  possible [certainty] hazard
1.53%  hazard operator
1.51%  immediate [time periodicity] hazard
1.46%  severe [difficulty] hazard
1.46%  associate hazard [perform operation]
1.38%  reduce hazard [perform operation]
1.20%  eliminate hazard [perform operation]
1.15%  avoid hazard [perform operation]
0.96%  hazard [does] result
0.85%  constitute hazard [perform operation]
0.78%  hazard function
0.58%  hazard level
0.55%  represent hazard [perform operation]
0.52%  hazard condition
0.50%  cause hazard [perform operation]
0.43%  hazard value
0.42%  not hazard
0.36%  use hazard [perform operation]


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