Concordance for adjective formed


The page lists top contexts for adjective formed and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
12.53%  integrally [manner] formed
9.57%  formed [shape] mixture
9.57%  formed [shape] product
6.48%  integrally formed
5.78%  formed [shape] portion
4.43%  formed [shape] tube
4.26%  formed [shape] gas
3.49%  formed [shape] have
2.47%  formed [shape] cylinder
2.25%  formed [shape] material
2.11%  formed [shape] flange
2.03%  formed [shape] opening
1.99%  formed [shape] alcohol
1.78%  formed [shape] tooth
1.77%  formed [shape] part
1.76%  formed [shape] component
1.70%  formed [shape] unit
1.68%  formed [shape] surface
1.59%  formed [shape] member
1.58%  separately [dependency] formed
1.56%  formed [shape] nut
1.48%  formed [shape] wall
1.46%  formed [shape] insert
1.40%  formed [shape] web
1.39%  formed [shape] body
1.35%  formed [shape] housing
1.34%  formed [shape] plate
1.33%  formed [shape] cap
1.30%  formed [shape] groove
1.29%  formed [shape] channel
1.23%  formed [shape] seat
1.11%  formed [shape] assembly
1.10%  formed [shape] edge
1.01%  formed [shape] section
0.93%  formed [shape] recess
0.90%  formed [shape] element
0.84%  suitably [degree] formed


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