Concordance for verb form


The page lists top contexts for verb form and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

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1.71%  integrally [manner] form
1.58%  form chamber [perform operation]
1.22%  form passage [perform operation]
1.11%  surface [location] form
1.11%  form groove [perform operation]
1.04%  form portion [perform operation]
0.96%  form hole [perform operation]
0.84%  end [location] form
0.74%  wall [location] form
0.74%  form port [perform operation]
0.71%  form recess [perform operation]
0.67%  form bore [perform operation]
0.62%  form opening [perform operation]
0.57%  form surface [perform operation]
0.56%  form member [perform operation]
0.54%  form mixture [perform operation]
0.52%  head [location] form
0.50%  form seat [perform operation]
0.47%  form wall [perform operation]
0.44%  form cavity [perform operation]
0.41%  side [location] form
0.41%  form gap [perform operation]
0.40%  form slot [perform operation]
0.40%  form part [perform operation]
0.39%  form layer [perform operation]
0.38%  form means [perform operation]
0.36%  form of material
0.36%  form space [perform operation]
0.36%  form aperture [perform operation]
0.35%  form in body
0.35%  form channel [perform operation]
0.33%  wall [does] form
0.33%  form body [perform operation]
0.33%  form in housing
0.33%  plate [location] form
0.32%  face [location] form
0.32%  form seal [perform operation]
0.31%  form projection [perform operation]
0.31%  form shoulder [perform operation]
0.31%  form housing [perform operation]
0.29%  form section [perform operation]
0.29%  form modal may
0.28%  form path [perform operation]
0.28%  portion [does] form
0.27%  block [location] form
0.27%  form passageway [perform operation]
0.27%  form end [perform operation]
0.26%  surface [does] form
0.26%  form in member
0.26%  form plate [perform operation]
0.25%  form in portion
0.25%  form circuit [perform operation]
0.25%  form angle [perform operation]
0.24%  form flange [perform operation]
0.22%  form plurality [perform operation]
0.22%  member [does] form
0.22%  form valve [perform operation]
0.21%  form orifice [perform operation]
0.21%  form head [perform operation]
0.21%  portion [using as instrument] form
0.21%  part [location] form
0.20%  shape [location] form
0.20%  so [resume] form
0.20%  form pair [perform operation]
0.20%  form cylinder [perform operation]
0.20%  form tooth [perform operation]
0.20%  charge [does] form
0.20%  preferably [degree] form
0.20%  form element [perform operation]
0.19%  piston [does] form
0.19%  form piston [perform operation]
0.19%  form modal can
0.19%  housing [does] form
0.19%  form face [perform operation]
0.19%  hole [using as instrument] form
0.18%  form jacket [perform operation]
0.18%  form assembly [perform operation]
0.17%  end [does] form
0.17%  circumference [location] form
0.17%  form notch [perform operation]
0.17%  therethrough [resume] form
0.17%  therebetween [location] form
0.17%  form thread [perform operation]
0.17%  form electrode [perform operation]
0.17%  means [does] form
0.16%  form block [perform operation]
0.16%  form system [perform operation]
0.16%  edge [location] form
0.16%  form structure [perform operation]
0.16%  form film [perform operation]
0.15%  form boundary [perform operation]
0.15%  bore [does] form
0.15%  form in piston
0.15%  form invention [perform operation]
0.15%  form slit [perform operation]
0.15%  form on periphery
0.15%  form connection [perform operation]
0.15%  form area [perform operation]
0.15%  section [location] form
0.15%  form stop [perform operation]
0.15%  form on portion
0.14%  form manifold [perform operation]
0.14%  head [does] form
0.14%  form unit [perform operation]
0.14%  recess [does] form
0.14%  plate [does] form
0.14%  form device [perform operation]
0.14%  form rib [perform operation]
0.14%  chamber [does] form
0.13%  groove [does] form
0.13%  crown [location] form
0.13%  form outlet [perform operation]
0.13%  form boss [perform operation]
0.13%  form of metal
0.13%  form pocket [perform operation]
0.13%  form edge [perform operation]
0.12%  form from material
0.12%  form ring [perform operation]
0.12%  form arm [perform operation]
0.12%  form inlet [perform operation]
0.12%  element [location] form
0.12%  form core [perform operation]
0.12%  form claim [perform operation]
0.12%  section [does] form
0.12%  form in embodiment
0.12%  form shaft [perform operation]
0.12%  body [does] form
0.12%  part [does] form
0.12%  recess [using as instrument] form
0.12%  form clearance [perform operation]
0.11%  form conduit [perform operation]
0.11%  element [does] form
0.11%  form sleeve [perform operation]
0.11%  form disclosure [perform operation]
0.11%  face [does] form
0.11%  passage [does] form
0.11%  center [location] form
0.11%  form embodiment [perform operation]
0.11%  form extension [perform operation]
0.10%  together [manner] form
0.10%  piece [temporal] form
0.10%  form complex [perform operation]
0.10%  form through-hole [perform operation]
0.10%  form at portion
0.10%  form shape [perform operation]
0.10%  form adduct [perform operation]
0.10%  form casing [perform operation]
0.10%  form bracket [perform operation]
0.10%  bore [using as instrument] form
0.10%  cylinder [does] form
0.10%  form tube [perform operation]


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