Concordance for noun float


The page lists top contexts for noun float and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
19.58%  float chamber
18.33%  float bowl
6.25%  float valve
4.67%  float body
2.93%  float member
1.73%  float [does] rise
1.40%  float means
1.29%  float tank
1.28%  float [does] descend
1.23%  float arm
1.21%  ball float
1.06%  float rise
1.05%  float [does] float
1.01%  stopper float
1.00%  float carburetor
0.99%  float movement
0.93%  float buoyancy
0.87%  float ball
0.80%  lift float [perform operation]
0.80%  level [shape] float
0.71%  float [does] drop
0.71%  raise float [perform operation]
0.67%  float switch
0.67%  float [does] operate
0.63%  float [does] close
0.63%  dispose float [perform operation]
0.59%  float [does] move
0.59%  buoyant float
0.57%  float turntable
0.57%  float assembly
0.56%  operate float [perform operation]
0.56%  include float [perform operation]
0.56%  float magnet
0.55%  house float [perform operation]
0.55%  float [does] actuate
0.54%  float piston
0.53%  float [connection] connect
0.53%  float density
0.50%  connect float [perform operation]
0.50%  locate float [perform operation]
0.49%  float mechanism
0.49%  float drop
0.48%  float [does] open
0.47%  comprise float [perform operation]
0.46%  have float [perform operation]
0.46%  responsive [functioning] float
0.44%  float frame
0.43%  force float [perform operation]
0.43%  float weight
0.41%  float guide
0.40%  magnetic [physical/chemical] float
0.39%  position float [perform operation]
0.38%  float [does] fall
0.35%  cause float [perform operation]
0.34%  float [does] have
0.34%  float [does] ride
0.34%  mount float [perform operation]
0.34%  fuel float
0.33%  float device
0.33%  float [does] remain
0.33%  float [does] maintain
0.33%  float [does] reach
0.32%  force on float
0.32%  float [connection] fix
0.32%  move float [perform operation]
0.31%  support float [perform operation]
0.31%  float [does] cause
0.31%  float position
0.31%  float control
0.30%  float [does] control
0.29%  float surface
0.28%  guide float [perform operation]
0.28%  provide float [perform operation]
0.28%  float [does] carry
0.28%  suspend float [perform operation]
0.27%  float [does] include
0.25%  actuate float [perform operation]
0.25%  attach float [perform operation]
0.24%  float level
0.24%  float housing
0.22%  contain float [perform operation]
0.21%  float [connection] attach
0.20%  float material
0.19%  reach float [perform operation]
0.18%  engage float [perform operation]
0.18%  control float [perform operation]
0.18%  arrange float [perform operation]
0.18%  float element
0.17%  control float
0.17%  carry float [perform operation]
0.17%  float structure
0.17%  float sleeve
0.17%  employ float [perform operation]
0.16%  show float [perform operation]
0.16%  annular [shape] float
0.16%  float [does] support
0.16%  float [does] allow
0.16%  adapt float [perform operation]
0.15%  float [does] indicate
0.15%  float [using as instrument] provide
0.15%  float arrangement
0.14%  position [location] float
0.14%  use float [perform operation]
0.14%  indicate float [perform operation]
0.13%  secure float [perform operation]
0.13%  float system
0.13%  conventional [typicality] float
0.12%  float [does] prevent
0.12%  valve float
0.12%  float end
0.12%  float [does] provide
0.11%  float sensor
0.09%  portion float
0.09%  float [does] comprise
0.08%  float unit
0.07%  float modal may


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