Concordance for verb extract


The page lists top contexts for verb extract and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
7.17%  extract heat [perform operation]
4.71%  extract solvent [perform operation]
4.63%  extract key [perform operation]
4.51%  extract energy [perform operation]
3.70%  extract oil [perform operation]
3.28%  extract from bladder
3.19%  extract sand [perform operation]
2.87%  extract after preparation
2.80%  extract power [perform operation]
2.75%  solvent [using as instrument] extract
2.60%  extract lead [perform operation]
2.44%  extract from flow
2.09%  means [does] extract
2.00%  extract component [perform operation]
1.97%  extract work [perform operation]
1.84%  extract information [perform operation]
1.81%  extract modal can
1.80%  extract fuel [perform operation]
1.61%  extract mechanism [perform operation]
1.58%  extract code [perform operation]
1.54%  extract flag [perform operation]
1.51%  media [does] extract
1.39%  extract air [perform operation]
1.38%  extract signal [perform operation]
1.23%  extract compound [perform operation]
1.20%  extract sample [perform operation]
1.19%  extract from system
1.18%  periodically [temporal] extract
1.12%  signal [does] extract
1.11%  extract increment [perform operation]
1.07%  extract product [perform operation]
1.02%  angle [does] extract
0.96%  extract from tank
0.96%  hole [location] extract
0.95%  extract mixture [perform operation]
0.94%  force [does] extract
0.88%  extract vapor [perform operation]
0.86%  extract means [perform operation]
0.85%  extract quantity [perform operation]
0.84%  extract gas [perform operation]
0.82%  extract value [perform operation]
0.82%  extract water [perform operation]
0.82%  filter [does] extract
0.80%  capable of extract
0.78%  space [location] extract
0.76%  extract particle [perform operation]
0.75%  extract modal may
0.75%  way [does] extract
0.74%  extract fluid [perform operation]
0.72%  air [does] extract
0.71%  extract angle [perform operation]
0.67%  extract datum [perform operation]
0.66%  liquid [state] extract
0.66%  method [does] extract
0.63%  pump [does] extract
0.63%  extract system [perform operation]
0.62%  extract from chamber
0.57%  extract current [perform operation]
0.56%  extract it [perform operation]
0.54%  extract pressure [perform operation]
0.54%  easily [manner] extract
0.54%  extract rod [perform operation]
0.50%  extract modal will
0.47%  extract ratio [perform operation]
0.46%  extract force [perform operation]
0.46%  extract circuit [perform operation]
0.45%  extract element [perform operation]
0.39%  extract portion [perform operation]
0.33%  not extract


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