Concordance for adverbial eventually


The page lists top contexts for adverbial eventually and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
16.09%  reach ADVP eventually
9.42%  abut ADVP eventually
7.27%  cause ADVP eventually
6.55%  flow ADVP eventually
5.18%  become ADVP eventually
4.23%  plug ADVP eventually
4.14%  return ADVP eventually
3.38%  converge ADVP eventually
3.06%  move ADVP eventually
3.04%  lead ADVP eventually
2.96%  seep ADVP eventually
2.95%  pass ADVP eventually
2.69%  discharge ADVP eventually
2.57%  burn ADVP eventually
2.57%  exit ADVP eventually
2.53%  leave ADVP eventually
2.45%  hold ADVP eventually
2.33%  deliver ADVP eventually
2.20%  lift ADVP eventually
1.89%  rise ADVP eventually
1.89%  stop ADVP eventually
1.81%  increase ADVP eventually
1.60%  contact ADVP eventually
1.51%  close ADVP eventually
1.51%  occur ADVP eventually
1.43%  open ADVP eventually
1.39%  produce ADVP eventually
1.24%  reduce ADVP eventually


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