Concordance for adverbial earlier


The page lists top contexts for adverbial earlier and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
21.02%  earlier [temporal] describe
17.84%  earlier [temporal] mention
6.65%  earlier [temporal] discuss
6.39%  earlier [temporal] note
5.66%  earlier [temporal] state
5.33%  earlier [temporal] explain
3.36%  earlier [temporal] timing
2.33%  earlier [temporal] time
2.17%  earlier [temporal] arrive
1.98%  earlier [temporal] lock
1.83%  earlier [temporal] indicate
1.65%  earlier [temporal] occur
1.60%  earlier [temporal] make
1.56%  earlier [temporal] begin
1.49%  earlier [temporal] point
1.45%  earlier [temporal] cycle
1.36%  earlier [temporal] pulse
1.29%  earlier [temporal] become
1.23%  earlier [temporal] open
1.19%  earlier [temporal] propose
1.18%  earlier [temporal] point out
1.15%  earlier [temporal] uncover
0.93%  earlier [temporal] sample
0.85%  earlier [temporal] close
0.84%  earlier [temporal] start
0.80%  earlier [temporal] reach
0.72%  earlier [temporal] activate
0.63%  earlier [temporal] define
0.62%  much earlier
0.62%  earlier [temporal] set
0.61%  earlier [temporal] refer
0.54%  earlier [temporal] generate
0.54%  earlier [temporal] inject
0.53%  earlier [temporal] it
0.50%  earlier [temporal] detect
0.50%  earlier [temporal] calculate
0.49%  earlier [temporal] take
0.37%  earlier [temporal] determine


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