Concordance for adjective distal


The page lists top contexts for adjective distal and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
71.91%  distal [location] end
8.26%  distal [location] tip
8.10%  distal [location] portion
0.67%  distal to point
0.66%  distal [location] edge
0.62%  distal [location] side
0.59%  distal [location] arm
0.58%  distal [location] shoulder
0.57%  distal [location] chamber
0.56%  edge [attribute] distal
0.41%  distal [location] position
0.39%  distal [location] opening
0.39%  distal [location] extremity
0.37%  distal [location] surface
0.36%  distal [location] cap
0.34%  distal [location] shaft
0.33%  distal [location] face
0.32%  distal from end
0.32%  shaft [attribute] distal
0.32%  end [attribute] distal
0.30%  distal from rim
0.29%  distal [location] hub
0.26%  distal [location] wall
0.25%  distal [location] direction
0.24%  immediately distal
0.24%  distal [location] extent
0.23%  distal [location] point
0.23%  distal to axis
0.23%  distal [location] bearing
0.23%  distal [location] have
0.22%  section [attribute] distal
0.19%  distal to housing
0.19%  diametrically [similarity] distal
0.19%  distal [location] section
0.18%  portion [attribute] distal
0.17%  distal [location] region
0.11%  position [attribute] distal


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