Concordance for adjective disc-shaped


The page lists top contexts for adjective disc-shaped and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
17.64%  disc-shaped [shape] member
12.20%  disc-shaped [shape] element
8.16%  disc-shaped [shape] plate
7.79%  disc-shaped [shape] part
7.01%  disc-shaped [shape] chamber
6.57%  disc-shaped [shape] body
5.90%  disc-shaped [shape] portion
4.48%  disc-shaped [shape] holder
4.26%  disc-shaped [shape] side
4.23%  disc-shaped [shape] retainer
4.16%  disc-shaped [shape] shell
3.79%  disc-shaped [shape] valve
3.13%  disc-shaped [shape] space
3.05%  disc-shaped [shape] rotor
2.92%  disc-shaped [shape] head
1.69%  substantially disc-shaped
1.58%  generally disc-shaped
1.35%  generally [resume] disc-shaped


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