Concordance for adjective cup-shaped


The page lists top contexts for adjective cup-shaped and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
20.38%  cup-shaped [shape] member
8.17%  cup-shaped [shape] piston
7.85%  cup-shaped [shape] housing
4.45%  cup-shaped [shape] insert
4.26%  cup-shaped [shape] portion
3.87%  cup-shaped [shape] retainer
3.82%  cup-shaped [shape] element
3.45%  cup-shaped [shape] cap
3.08%  cup-shaped [shape] body
2.98%  cup-shaped [shape] electrode
2.80%  cup-shaped [shape] cover
2.45%  cup-shaped [shape] end
2.42%  cup-shaped [shape] component
1.98%  cup-shaped [shape] part
1.88%  cup-shaped [shape] case
1.76%  cup-shaped [shape] casing
1.64%  cup-shaped [shape] recess
1.36%  cup-shaped [shape] configuration
1.35%  cup-shaped [shape] receiver
1.34%  cup-shaped [shape] section
1.34%  cup-shaped [shape] depression
1.34%  generally [resume] cup-shaped
1.32%  generally cup-shaped
1.21%  cup-shaped [shape] adapter
1.15%  cup-shaped [shape] shell
1.01%  cup-shaped [shape] spreader
0.91%  cup-shaped [shape] seal
0.85%  cup-shaped [shape] cylinder
0.84%  cup-shaped [shape] indentation
0.75%  cup-shaped [shape] outline
0.74%  cup-shaped [shape] form
0.74%  cup-shaped [shape] plate
0.72%  cup-shaped [shape] shield
0.72%  cup-shaped [shape] terminal
0.69%  cup-shaped [shape] bottom
0.68%  cup-shaped [shape] reservoir
0.64%  cup-shaped [shape] carrier
0.62%  cup-shaped [shape] seat
0.58%  cup-shaped [shape] sleeve
0.48%  cup-shaped [shape] arm
0.45%  cup-shaped [shape] head
0.40%  substantially [degree] cup-shaped
0.28%  substantially cup-shaped


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