Concordance for adverbial conversely


The page lists top contexts for adverbial conversely and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
21.24%  step ADVP conversely
13.61%  decrease ADVP conversely
9.34%  cause ADVP conversely
9.24%  increase ADVP conversely
7.64%  conversely [concequence] increase
5.87%  revert ADVP conversely
4.20%  pressure ADVP conversely
4.15%  establish ADVP conversely
3.83%  become ADVP conversely
3.83%  reduce ADVP conversely
3.50%  close ADVP conversely
3.42%  allow ADVP conversely
2.67%  flow ADVP conversely
2.65%  use ADVP conversely
2.47%  have ADVP conversely
2.24%  it ADVP conversely


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