Concordance for adjective contiguous


The page lists top contexts for adjective contiguous and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
6.55%  contiguous [location] portion
4.74%  contiguous [location] chamber
4.63%  contiguous [location] surface
3.48%  contiguous [location] lie
3.19%  contiguous [location] end
2.97%  contiguous [location] provide
2.95%  contiguous [location] wall
2.92%  contiguous [location] meet
2.90%  contiguous [location] depression
2.86%  contiguous [location] have
2.67%  contiguous to end
2.61%  contiguous [location] include
2.44%  contiguous [location] passage
2.39%  contiguous [location] relation
2.37%  portion [attribute] contiguous
2.36%  contiguous to portion
2.23%  passage [attribute] contiguous
2.21%  smoothly contiguous
2.19%  contiguous [location] communication
2.17%  chamber [attribute] contiguous
2.08%  contiguous [location] section
2.07%  contiguous to device
2.04%  contiguous [location] bore
1.98%  contiguous [location] dispose
1.83%  contiguous [location] body
1.82%  contiguous [location] means
1.82%  contiguous to surface
1.76%  contiguous [location] relationship
1.61%  contiguous [location] coil
1.61%  contiguous [location] position
1.51%  contiguous with side
1.45%  body [attribute] contiguous
1.41%  surface [attribute] contiguous
1.30%  contiguous with winding
1.22%  wall [attribute] contiguous
1.20%  contiguous [location] leg
1.16%  contiguous [location] area
1.16%  contiguous [location] groove
1.11%  contiguous [location] side
1.04%  contiguous with wall
0.96%  contiguous [location] housing
0.88%  contiguous to passage
0.88%  contiguous to wall
0.87%  bore [attribute] contiguous
0.82%  contiguous to port
0.77%  contiguous to chamber
0.76%  contiguous with portion
0.75%  end [attribute] contiguous
0.55%  contiguous at end
0.48%  substantially contiguous


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