Concordance for verb confine


The page lists top contexts for verb confine and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
12.58%  confine chamber [perform operation]
7.56%  piston [does] confine
5.69%  detail [connection] confine
2.69%  surface [does] confine
2.53%  confine invention [perform operation]
2.52%  wall [does] confine
2.33%  exchange [does] confine
2.17%  confine space [perform operation]
2.14%  confine means [perform operation]
2.06%  not confine
2.06%  face [does] confine
1.87%  confine spring [perform operation]
1.83%  confine pressure [perform operation]
1.65%  confine of front
1.61%  construction [connection] confine
1.57%  confine fuel [perform operation]
1.44%  confine it [perform operation]
1.43%  confine overage [perform operation]
1.42%  embodiment [connection] confine
1.29%  confine air [perform operation]
1.18%  range [connection] confine
1.17%  space [does] confine
1.07%  field [connection] confine
1.07%  arrangement [connection] confine
1.00%  region [connection] confine
0.99%  wall [location] confine
0.96%  confine end [perform operation]
0.96%  confine tire [perform operation]
0.95%  plate [does] confine
0.93%  substantially [degree] confine
0.93%  confine face [perform operation]
0.89%  confine movement [perform operation]
0.88%  confine vapor [perform operation]
0.87%  confine gas [perform operation]
0.86%  confine member [perform operation]
0.85%  chamber [connection] confine
0.82%  flame [does] confine
0.79%  confine with face
0.79%  stop [does] confine
0.79%  confine body [perform operation]
0.78%  step [does] confine
0.78%  confine fluid [perform operation]
0.75%  confine of member
0.75%  confine in bore
0.72%  properly [manner] confine
0.71%  sleeve [does] confine
0.70%  housing [does] confine
0.68%  means [does] confine
0.65%  tube [does] confine
0.64%  confine channel [perform operation]
0.62%  section [location] confine
0.58%  valve [does] confine
0.58%  confine oil [perform operation]
0.57%  confine device [perform operation]
0.57%  seat [does] confine
0.56%  confine with surface
0.56%  confine to serve
0.56%  confine piston [perform operation]
0.56%  confine modal need
0.53%  confine mixture [perform operation]
0.52%  longitudinally [orientation] confine
0.50%  cylinder [does] confine
0.50%  member [does] confine
0.50%  confine in housing
0.47%  confine to act
0.46%  side [does] confine
0.45%  close [temporal] confine
0.44%  confine flow [perform operation]
0.44%  only [degree] confine
0.43%  confine side [perform operation]
0.42%  confine cable [perform operation]
0.42%  chamber [does] confine
0.41%  rod [does] confine
0.40%  portion [does] confine
0.39%  confine portion [perform operation]
0.39%  confine in chamber
0.37%  confine arm [perform operation]
0.37%  confine wall [perform operation]
0.36%  radially [orientation] confine
0.34%  confine port [perform operation]
0.33%  confine modal will
0.22%  so [resume] confine
0.22%  confine modal can
0.19%  confine modal may


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