Concordance for noun concept


The page lists top contexts for noun concept and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
14.85%  inventive [character] concept
9.26%  concept [location] depart
5.93%  invention concept
4.94%  concept scope
4.58%  delineate concept [perform operation]
4.25%  basic [importance] concept
4.25%  embody concept [perform operation]
3.59%  mental [psysical state] concept
2.85%  familiar with concept
2.77%  concept [does] underlie
2.48%  underlying [location] concept
1.42%  present [chronology] concept
1.38%  fundamental [importance] concept
1.27%  design concept
1.21%  concept set
1.21%  new [age] concept
1.18%  general [typicality] concept
1.07%  novel [chronology] concept
1.06%  broad [size] concept
0.98%  possible within concept
0.97%  banked concept
0.91%  disclose concept [perform operation]
0.89%  underlying [location] concept
0.88%  conventional [typicality] concept
0.87%  technical [domain related] concept
0.79%  utilize concept [perform operation]
0.79%  concept [location] base
0.78%  describe concept [perform operation]
0.74%  employ concept [perform operation]
0.72%  illustrate concept [perform operation]
0.66%  concept process
0.66%  equation concept
0.64%  applicable [effectiveness] concept
0.62%  concept [does] use
0.60%  system concept
0.59%  teach concept [perform operation]
0.59%  incorporate concept [perform operation]
0.57%  apply concept [perform operation]
0.55%  concept development
0.55%  use concept [perform operation]
0.51%  explain concept [perform operation]
0.46%  show concept [perform operation]
0.46%  new [age] concept
0.44%  modular [connection] concept
0.42%  injection concept
0.40%  pilot concept
0.39%  parallelogram concept
0.39%  concept advantage
0.39%  control concept
0.37%  concept spirit
0.37%  emergency concept
0.36%  propose concept [perform operation]
0.36%  operation concept
0.35%  implement concept [perform operation]
0.35%  know concept [perform operation]
0.35%  various [similarity] concept
0.35%  concept [does] improve
0.34%  engine concept
0.33%  concept [does] provide
0.32%  appreciate concept [perform operation]
0.30%  afford concept [perform operation]
0.28%  process concept
0.25%  important [importance] concept
0.25%  numerous [amount] concept
0.24%  introduce concept [perform operation]
0.24%  involve concept [perform operation]
0.24%  learning concept
0.24%  overall [completeness] concept
0.23%  develop concept [perform operation]
0.22%  detection concept
0.22%  concept [does] utilize
0.21%  concept embodiment
0.20%  discuss concept [perform operation]
0.19%  concept according invention
0.19%  concept [does] have
0.18%  concept basis
0.18%  combustion concept
0.18%  base concept [perform operation]
0.18%  fuel concept
0.17%  different [similarity] concept
0.17%  concept extension
0.16%  concept variation
0.16%  improved [effectiveness] concept
0.15%  reduce concept [perform operation]
0.14%  set concept [perform operation]
0.14%  limit concept [perform operation]
0.14%  provide concept [perform operation]
0.14%  concept use
0.13%  concept [does] apply
0.13%  concept [does] control
0.13%  concept [does] allow
0.13%  embodiment concept
0.12%  similar [similarity] concept
0.11%  concept [does] increase
0.11%  valve concept
0.10%  concept [does] include
0.08%  cylinder concept
0.08%  brake concept
0.07%  include concept [perform operation]
0.06%  have concept [perform operation]
0.06%  not concept


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