Concordance for verb command


The page lists top contexts for verb command and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
2.89%  command ADVP determination
2.89%  command ADVP use
2.88%  command current [perform operation]
2.83%  signal [does] command
2.75%  controller [does] command
2.55%  means [does] command
2.51%  command valve [perform operation]
2.30%  command for determination
2.21%  command to actuator
2.17%  command during occur
1.99%  command speed [perform operation]
1.96%  control [does] command
1.90%  command actuator [perform operation]
1.89%  command to use
1.79%  command to fire
1.77%  command device [perform operation]
1.74%  unit [does] command
1.72%  command interruption [perform operation]
1.72%  command plug [perform operation]
1.62%  command velocity [perform operation]
1.62%  command motor [perform operation]
1.61%  command energizing [perform operation]
1.57%  command performance [perform operation]
1.47%  command during event
1.46%  operator [does] command
1.40%  command driver [perform operation]
1.37%  obtain to command
1.30%  command assist [perform operation]
1.26%  command energization [perform operation]
1.21%  computer [does] command
1.21%  positioning [does] command
1.18%  determine to command
1.18%  command increase [perform operation]
1.16%  command force [perform operation]
1.16%  driver [does] command
1.11%  command flow [perform operation]
1.11%  reduce to command
1.07%  actuator [connection] command
0.99%  command injection [perform operation]
0.98%  valve [connection] command
0.97%  command means [perform operation]
0.95%  command [temporal] position
0.94%  command operation [perform operation]
0.93%  device [does] command
0.90%  processor [does] command
0.90%  command pressure [perform operation]
0.89%  command in response
0.89%  ratio [does] command
0.88%  command [temporal] include
0.85%  command injector [perform operation]
0.84%  filter [does] command
0.83%  microprocessor [does] command
0.78%  command modal will
0.77%  command torque [perform operation]
0.75%  command unit [perform operation]
0.74%  pedal [does] command
0.74%  responsive [functioning] command
0.74%  output [does] command
0.74%  command pump [perform operation]
0.73%  command controller [perform operation]
0.72%  program [does] command
0.71%  ecu [does] command
0.70%  phase [temporal] command
0.68%  command portion [perform operation]
0.65%  command braking [perform operation]
0.64%  command level [perform operation]
0.64%  command power [perform operation]
0.63%  actuator [does] command
0.63%  command switch [perform operation]
0.61%  system [does] command
0.57%  command signal [perform operation]
0.57%  basis [manner] command
0.54%  command circuit [perform operation]
0.54%  position [does] command
0.52%  section command
0.51%  step [does] command
0.50%  command quantity [perform operation]
0.50%  command system [perform operation]
0.49%  command rate [perform operation]
0.47%  command fuel [perform operation]
0.36%  signal command
0.32%  command modal can
0.32%  means command
0.25%  command modal may
0.23%  not command


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