Concordance for adjective coiled


The page lists top contexts for adjective coiled and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
61.87%  coiled [shape] spring
5.76%  coiled [shape] tape
3.00%  coiled [shape] portion
2.92%  coiled [shape] section
2.86%  coiled [shape] cable
2.30%  coiled [shape] shock
2.29%  coiled [shape] extension
1.98%  coiled [shape] absorber
1.71%  coiled [shape] wire
1.71%  coiled [shape] sleeve
1.60%  helically [manner] coiled
1.56%  coiled [shape] tube
1.34%  coiled [shape] acting
1.26%  coiled [shape] line
1.19%  coiled [shape] end
1.15%  helically coiled
1.14%  coiled [shape] steel
0.97%  coiled [shape] conductor
0.95%  coiled [shape] means
0.91%  coiled [shape] compression
0.73%  loosely [manner] coiled
0.68%  coiled [shape] construction


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