Concordance for noun break


The page lists top contexts for noun break and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
19.67%  break point
9.09%  break pad
6.96%  break contact
5.99%  break amp
5.60%  break pedal
5.03%  torsion break
3.72%  break shoe
3.59%  cable break
3.41%  bar break
3.36%  break speed
2.93%  break in circuit
2.93%  signal break
2.92%  break temperature
2.88%  break current
2.78%  break coupling
2.63%  break [does] take
2.50%  break frequency
2.41%  cause break [perform operation]
1.92%  air break
1.80%  break [does] occur
1.56%  detect break [perform operation]
1.41%  spring break
1.33%  break assembly
1.05%  brake break
0.98%  break member
0.78%  provide break [perform operation]
0.64%  break system


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