Concordance for noun boron


The page lists top contexts for noun boron and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
11.83%  boron acid
11.79%  boron nitride
9.14%  boron compound
7.73%  boron halide
6.83%  boron hydrate
6.24%  boron oxide
5.34%  boron trioxide
5.26%  boron trifluoride
4.76%  boron amide
4.36%  boron trichloride
4.09%  boron tribromide
2.20%  believe boron [perform operation]
2.04%  boron trihalide
1.77%  sufficient of boron
1.75%  boron tribromide-dioxane
1.65%  boron derivative
1.43%  boron agent
1.39%  boron treatment
1.16%  boron involve
1.10%  percent boron
1.09%  boron atom
1.07%  contain boron [perform operation]
0.91%  boron anhydride
0.88%  boron reactant
0.86%  boron ester
0.85%  base boron [perform operation]
0.81%  boron ether
0.57%  weight boron
0.41%  incorporate boron [perform operation]
0.32%  boron amount
0.22%  include boron [perform operation]


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