Concordance for noun biasing


The page lists top contexts for noun biasing and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
43.40%  biasing force
16.83%  biasing spring
8.31%  biasing means
6.15%  biasing member
5.44%  biasing action
2.82%  biasing magnet
1.16%  biasing assembly
1.10%  biasing mechanism
1.04%  spring biasing
1.02%  biasing acting
0.99%  biasing element
0.97%  biasing device
0.97%  biasing voltage
0.81%  biasing resistor
0.75%  biasing portion
0.74%  biasing plate
0.72%  biasing pressing
0.54%  biasing strip
0.54%  biasing effect
0.49%  overcome biasing [perform operation]
0.45%  biasing influence
0.41%  spool biasing
0.40%  central [location] biasing
0.36%  biasing pressure
0.35%  resilient [resilience] biasing
0.34%  biasing network
0.33%  biasing arrangement
0.33%  provide biasing [perform operation]
0.26%  biasing segment
0.24%  biasing load
0.24%  plate biasing
0.22%  biasing hole
0.22%  shoe biasing
0.19%  biasing circuit
0.17%  biasing unit
0.17%  biasing component
0.14%  means biasing
0.11%  biasing valve
0.10%  biasing chamber


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