Concordance for noun bias


The page lists top contexts for noun bias and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
18.51%  spring bias
10.01%  overcome bias [perform operation]
4.14%  move against bias
2.69%  exert bias [perform operation]
2.62%  resilient [resilience] bias
2.55%  member against bias
2.08%  way under bias
2.02%  apply bias [perform operation]
1.90%  rich [social status] bias
1.75%  provide bias [perform operation]
1.65%  movable against bias
1.60%  bias with bias
1.53%  lean [constitution] bias
1.52%  closing [chronology] bias
1.47%  ignore bias [perform operation]
1.40%  pivot against bias
1.35%  bias [does] augment
1.33%  introduce bias [perform operation]
1.23%  fixed [time periodicity] bias
1.20%  advance [manner] bias
1.09%  bias [does] cause
1.01%  augment bias [perform operation]
0.98%  valve against bias
0.94%  over-center bias
0.92%  opposing [similarity] bias
0.92%  desired [effectiveness] bias
0.90%  counter bias [perform operation]
0.88%  minor [importance] bias
0.87%  bias move
0.85%  piston against bias
0.85%  relief bias
0.84%  pressure bias
0.83%  dc bias
0.79%  forward [chronology] bias
0.77%  downward [chronology] bias
0.75%  create bias [perform operation]
0.73%  constant [time periodicity] bias
0.68%  remove bias [perform operation]
0.67%  adjust bias [perform operation]
0.64%  axial [direction] bias
0.64%  bias [does] move
0.64%  return bias
0.62%  bias [does] return
0.61%  strong [character] bias
0.58%  means bias
0.58%  upward [direction] bias
0.58%  positive [certainty] bias
0.55%  valve bias
0.55%  greater than bias
0.53%  bias [does] hold
0.52%  voltage bias
0.52%  exceed bias [perform operation]
0.52%  impose bias [perform operation]
0.48%  bias [does] urge
0.48%  bias [does] maintain
0.47%  air/fuel bias
0.47%  transistor bias
0.47%  negative [effectiveness] bias
0.45%  supply bias [perform operation]
0.44%  plurality bias
0.43%  fuel bias
0.41%  desire bias [perform operation]
0.40%  sufficient [amount] bias
0.39%  base [size] bias
0.39%  reverse [similarity] bias
0.39%  have bias [perform operation]
0.38%  bias force
0.37%  head bias
0.37%  maintain bias [perform operation]
0.36%  operating [functioning] bias
0.35%  bias means
0.35%  reduce bias [perform operation]
0.35%  electrical [domain related] bias
0.35%  change bias [perform operation]
0.34%  bias act
0.34%  steering [purpose] bias
0.31%  variable [time periodicity] bias
0.28%  cylinder bias
0.28%  produce bias [perform operation]
0.27%  achieve bias [perform operation]
0.26%  bias [does] provide
0.26%  bias have
0.25%  require bias [perform operation]
0.23%  bias spring
0.23%  signal bias
0.22%  set bias [perform operation]
0.21%  portion bias
0.20%  permit bias [perform operation]
0.20%  cause bias [perform operation]
0.13%  not bias
0.12%  bias valve


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