Concordance for adjective bent


The page lists top contexts for adjective bent and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
62.24%  bent [shape] portion
4.23%  bent [shape] tab
3.36%  bent [shape] end
2.82%  bent [shape] edge
2.73%  bent [shape] section
2.06%  bent [shape] part
1.95%  bent [shape] member
1.45%  bent [shape] lever
1.33%  bent [shape] pole
1.29%  bent [shape] line
1.20%  bent [shape] plate
1.06%  bent [shape] elbow
1.01%  bent [shape] shape
1.00%  bent [shape] piece
0.92%  bent [shape] tang
0.91%  bent [shape] flange
0.90%  bent [shape] pipe
0.88%  inwardly [location] bent
0.79%  bent [shape] point
0.75%  bent [shape] passage
0.72%  bent [shape] arm
0.71%  bent [shape] region
0.65%  bent [shape] state
0.65%  bent [shape] tube
0.64%  bent [shape] configuration
0.53%  reversely [manner] bent
0.51%  downwardly [location] bent
0.44%  bent [shape] rod
0.42%  bent [shape] position
0.40%  bent [shape] extension
0.39%  upwardly [location] bent
0.35%  bent [shape] wall
0.30%  forwardly [location] bent
0.27%  outwardly [location] bent


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