Concordance for noun background


The page lists top contexts for noun background and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
92.22%  invention background
2.15%  background discussion
0.96%  art background
0.77%  background [physical/chemical] art
0.74%  disclosure background
0.58%  statement background
0.53%  background [physical/chemical] processing
0.37%  background to invention
0.33%  technical [domain related] background
0.30%  discuss in background
0.22%  describe in background
0.18%  background description
0.15%  general [typicality] background
0.13%  discuss background [perform operation]
0.12%  background way
0.09%  background view
0.05%  describe background [perform operation]
0.02%  provide background [perform operation]


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