Concordance for noun atom


The page lists top contexts for noun atom and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
31.90%  carbon atom
17.31%  about atom
11.61%  up [degree] atom
6.20%  preferably [degree] atom
2.35%  atom from about
2.23%  contain from atom
1.66%  have from atom
1.48%  nitrogen atom
1.22%  contain atom [perform operation]
0.94%  contain to atom
0.90%  hydrogen atom
0.78%  have atom [perform operation]
0.77%  atom contain
0.76%  atom [is] group
0.60%  atom [is] integer
0.57%  halogen atom
0.53%  atom per molecule
0.51%  group atom
0.50%  oxygen atom
0.47%  aliphatic [domain related] atom
0.46%  least [degree] atom
0.45%  atom to atom
0.43%  atom group
0.40%  atom [is] radical
0.37%  sulfur [color] atom
0.35%  atom to atom
0.33%  containing from atom
0.30%  nitrogen-bonded atom
0.30%  more [degree] atom
0.28%  atom 79 optimally
0.28%  alkenyl from atom
0.28%  alkyl from atom
0.28%  alkylaryl from atom
0.28%  aryl from atom
0.28%  hydrogen from atom
0.28%  atom q'
0.28%  radical from atom
0.28%  atom [does] contain
0.28%  total [amount] atom
0.27%  atom number
0.27%  average atom [perform operation]
0.27%  atom alkyl
0.26%  adjacent [location] atom
0.26%  substitute atom [perform operation]
0.24%  atom radical
0.24%  r' atom
0.24%  atom [is] unsaturation
0.23%  number [is] atom
0.22%  hetero atom
0.22%  preferably atom
0.21%  atom total
0.19%  metal atom
0.18%  atom [connection] bond
0.18%  have between atom
0.18%  active [motion] atom
0.18%  up [location] atom
0.18%  atom average
0.17%  silicon-bonded atom
0.17%  ring atom
0.16%  atom alcohol
0.15%  radical atom
0.15%  atom [is] monounsaturation
0.15%  atom [connection] group
0.15%  atom [connection] attach
0.14%  atom [location] contain
0.14%  average atom
0.14%  monovalent [physical/chemical] atom
0.13%  group [is] atom
0.12%  different [similarity] atom
0.11%  atom [amount] molecule
0.11%  divalent [physical/chemical] atom
0.11%  amino atom
0.11%  prefer atom [perform operation]
0.11%  atom in substituent
0.11%  atom [is] alkenyl
0.11%  atom r'
0.11%  atom valence
0.11%  atom [using as instrument] take up
0.10%  atom atom
0.10%  atom atom
0.10%  link atom [perform operation]
0.10%  fluorine atom
0.10%  atom [is] alkyl
0.10%  replace atom [perform operation]
0.09%  present for atom
0.09%  atom [connection] bind
0.09%  derive of atom
0.09%  embodiment atom
0.09%  aluminum atom
0.08%  link atom
0.08%  join atom [perform operation]
0.08%  atom [does] have
0.08%  exemplary [analysis/training] atom
0.08%  select atom [perform operation]
0.08%  bond atom [perform operation]
0.08%  reactive [physical/chemical] atom
0.08%  atom molecule
0.07%  atom [location] locate
0.07%  have to atom
0.07%  atom olefin
0.07%  atom [attribute] present
0.07%  boron atom
0.06%  represent atom [perform operation]
0.05%  usually atom
0.05%  tertiary [numeric] atom
0.05%  atom have
0.05%  compose of atom
0.05%  atom embodiment
0.05%  primary [numeric] atom
0.05%  unreacted [state] atom
0.05%  useful [effectiveness] atom
0.05%  react atom [perform operation]
0.05%  atom chain
0.04%  atom [does] render
0.04%  apparent [validity] atom
0.04%  linkage atom
0.04%  present [chronology] atom
0.04%  attach atom [perform operation]
0.03%  atom compound
0.03%  free [cost] atom
0.03%  comprise atom [perform operation]
0.03%  atom [does] include
0.03%  atom reaction
0.02%  secondary [numeric] atom
0.02%  atom ratio
0.02%  include atom [perform operation]
0.02%  atom ring
0.02%  atom [location] base
0.02%  arrange atom [perform operation]
0.01%  suitable [effectiveness] atom
0.01%  only [degree] atom
0.01%  atom [does] comprise
0.01%  atom part
0.01%  use atom [perform operation]
0.01%  atom modal will
0.01%  atom position
0.01%  atom modal can
0.00%  atom modal may


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