Concordance for verb articulate


The page lists top contexts for verb articulate and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
8.05%  carrier [connection] articulate
6.77%  rotation [manner] articulate
6.60%  end [location] articulate
6.35%  articulate arm [perform operation]
6.15%  articulate lever [perform operation]
5.24%  articulate rod [perform operation]
5.01%  assembly [connection] articulate
4.36%  end [connection] articulate
3.88%  articulate end [perform operation]
3.74%  articulate link [perform operation]
3.33%  body [connection] articulate
3.13%  lever [connection] articulate
3.04%  articulate cuff [perform operation]
2.97%  shell [connection] articulate
2.93%  articulate member [perform operation]
2.52%  articulate column [perform operation]
2.30%  housing [connection] articulate
2.29%  articulate axle [perform operation]
2.25%  arm [connection] articulate
2.16%  articulate half [perform operation]
2.15%  articulate portion [perform operation]
2.06%  articulate vehicle [perform operation]
1.92%  articulate body [perform operation]
1.56%  degree articulate
1.50%  relative [similarity] articulate
1.33%  means [does] articulate
1.32%  way [does] articulate
1.17%  articulate in turn
1.16%  articulate part [perform operation]
1.07%  articulate wheel [perform operation]
0.92%  respect [reference] articulate
0.61%  articulate modal can


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