Concordance for verb anchor


The page lists top contexts for verb anchor and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
6.79%  anchor end [perform operation]
6.38%  pivotally [manner] anchor
5.66%  anchor spring [perform operation]
5.47%  end [location] anchor
4.24%  body [connection] anchor
3.55%  end [connection] anchor
3.52%  dashboard [connection] anchor
3.38%  member [connection] anchor
2.90%  rigidly [manner] anchor
2.64%  frame [connection] anchor
2.57%  housing [connection] anchor
2.48%  firmly [manner] anchor
2.40%  anchor harness [perform operation]
2.25%  securely [manner] anchor
1.70%  anchor member [perform operation]
1.58%  rod [connection] anchor
1.52%  floor [connection] anchor
1.48%  anchor extremity [perform operation]
1.44%  anchor sheath [perform operation]
1.40%  structure [connection] anchor
1.39%  anchor shoe [perform operation]
1.39%  casing [connection] anchor
1.24%  means [does] anchor
1.23%  sleeve [connection] anchor
1.22%  plate [connection] anchor
1.14%  anchor sleeve [perform operation]
1.13%  anchor leg [perform operation]
1.12%  anchor arm [perform operation]
1.10%  anchor pin [perform operation]
1.08%  bolt [does] anchor
1.06%  anchor cable [perform operation]
1.03%  anchor to body
1.03%  anchor plate [perform operation]
1.02%  portion [connection] anchor
1.02%  anchor to plate
1.02%  fixedly [manner] anchor
1.01%  anchor housing [perform operation]
0.98%  pin [does] anchor
0.95%  anchor pair [perform operation]
0.94%  anchor to serve
0.92%  anchor element [perform operation]
0.92%  anchor portion [perform operation]
0.91%  suitably [degree] anchor
0.91%  opening [location] anchor
0.89%  anchor flame [perform operation]
0.85%  means [connection] anchor
0.82%  anchor extension [perform operation]
0.75%  anchor assembly [perform operation]
0.74%  anchor means [perform operation]
0.74%  anchor pad [perform operation]
0.73%  manner [manner] anchor
0.61%  spring [does] anchor
0.60%  anchor lever [perform operation]
0.59%  anchor body [perform operation]
0.57%  anchor line [perform operation]
0.53%  anchor piston [perform operation]
0.45%  portion [does] anchor
0.45%  member [does] anchor
0.42%  anchor end
0.33%  anchor modal can
0.25%  anchor modal may
0.23%  anchor modal will


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