Concordance for noun afr


The page lists top contexts for noun afr and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
17.16%  theoretical [analysis/training] afr
15.40%  afr error
4.96%  afr [is] lean
4.31%  afr [does] change back
4.10%  afr control
3.72%  afr learning
3.67%  afr sensor
3.27%  real [validity] afr
3.23%  lean [constitution] afr
3.17%  afr under control
3.00%  rich [social status] afr
2.57%  afr variation
2.56%  afr change-over
2.00%  target afr
1.99%  afr [does] change
1.90%  bank afr
1.83%  afr value
1.67%  afr coefficient
1.66%  afr contour
1.53%  mixture afr
1.40%  afr [does] tend
1.37%  afr change
1.29%  afr [does] shift
1.22%  afr controller
1.19%  afr [does] vary
1.18%  maintain afr [perform operation]
1.14%  detect afr [perform operation]
1.01%  shift afr [perform operation]
0.87%  supply afr [perform operation]
0.79%  actual [validity] afr
0.71%  make afr [perform operation]
0.69%  afr process
0.54%  control afr [perform operation]
0.49%  afr [does] become
0.49%  ratio afr
0.41%  afr condition
0.39%  afr system
0.38%  set afr [perform operation]
0.29%  have afr [perform operation]
0.23%  not afr


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