Concordance for verb adopt


The page lists top contexts for verb adopt and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
8.54%  adopt position [perform operation]
6.26%  adopt method [perform operation]
3.67%  adopt arrangement [perform operation]
3.67%  adopt structure [perform operation]
3.53%  adopt system [perform operation]
3.44%  adopt configuration [perform operation]
3.36%  permeability [temporal] adopt
2.91%  adopt modal may
2.84%  adopt modal can
2.56%  adopt construction [perform operation]
2.56%  adopt form [perform operation]
2.53%  widely [degree] adopt
2.50%  permeability adopt
2.46%  valve [does] adopt
2.01%  adopt modification [perform operation]
1.82%  adopt control [perform operation]
1.74%  adopt embodiment [perform operation]
1.66%  adopt value [perform operation]
1.62%  adopt measure [perform operation]
1.51%  adopt solution [perform operation]
1.42%  adopt by substitute
1.37%  adopt procedure [perform operation]
1.36%  adopt posture [perform operation]
1.34%  adopt profile [perform operation]
1.28%  adopt invention [perform operation]
1.17%  adopt sensor [perform operation]
1.15%  adopt design [perform operation]
1.15%  part [does] adopt
1.14%  engine [does] adopt
1.14%  embodiment [does] adopt
1.09%  adopt boss [perform operation]
1.08%  recently [temporal] adopt
0.97%  adopt modal could
0.96%  member [temporal] adopt
0.96%  possible to adopt
0.86%  adopt modal might
0.83%  adopt mechanism [perform operation]
0.81%  piston [using as instrument] adopt
0.76%  adopt valve [perform operation]
0.75%  adopt condition [perform operation]
0.74%  adopt mode [perform operation]
0.72%  piston [does] adopt
0.70%  energize [temporal] adopt
0.69%  adopt pump [perform operation]
0.69%  use [purpose] adopt
0.68%  adopt in embodiment
0.68%  adopt operation [perform operation]
0.68%  invention [does] adopt
0.68%  adopt use [perform operation]
0.66%  adopt modal will
0.66%  drawing adopt
0.62%  normally [typicality] adopt
0.61%  adopt shape [perform operation]
0.60%  adopt means [perform operation]
0.58%  adopt in case
0.58%  apparatus [does] adopt
0.57%  example [example] adopt
0.51%  system [does] adopt
0.50%  adopt circuit [perform operation]
0.47%  adopt device [perform operation]
0.45%  adopt engine [perform operation]
0.45%  adopt motor [perform operation]
0.45%  adopt apparatus [perform operation]
0.43%  adopt in system
0.42%  not adopt
0.39%  adopt fuel [perform operation]
0.39%  adopt ratio [perform operation]
0.35%  generally [resume] adopt
0.34%  adopt cylinder [perform operation]
0.30%  member adopt
0.27%  so [resume] adopt


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