Concordance for noun adhesion


The page lists top contexts for noun adhesion and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
28.82%  road-tire adhesion
13.98%  adhesion coefficient
6.07%  adhesion limit
4.52%  fuel adhesion
3.96%  adhesion between layer
3.40%  adhesion amount
3.22%  adhesion ratio
3.18%  good [character] adhesion
3.13%  adhesion rate
2.98%  adhesion correction
2.53%  equilibrium adhesion
2.53%  prevent adhesion [perform operation]
2.45%  thin [size] adhesion
2.41%  road adhesion
2.16%  adhesion utilization
2.05%  promote adhesion [perform operation]
2.01%  magnetic [physical/chemical] adhesion
1.10%  adhesion area
1.00%  reduce adhesion [perform operation]
0.96%  adhesion part
0.95%  quantity adhesion
0.84%  adhesion force
0.82%  adhesion condition
0.75%  obtain adhesion [perform operation]
0.74%  increase adhesion [perform operation]
0.73%  have adhesion [perform operation]
0.67%  oil adhesion
0.60%  provide adhesion [perform operation]
0.50%  adhesion value
0.50%  valve adhesion
0.27%  adhesion means


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