Concordance for adjective adaptable


The page lists top contexts for adjective adaptable and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
13.10%  readily adaptable
11.58%  adaptable [effectiveness] system
6.47%  adaptable [effectiveness] invention
6.44%  adaptable for use
5.03%  easily adaptable
3.21%  adaptable to installation
2.55%  adaptable to system
2.51%  adaptable to requirement
2.44%  adaptable [effectiveness] device
2.38%  adaptable to vehicle
2.27%  equally adaptable
2.27%  adaptable to application
2.10%  adaptable to engine
2.03%  adaptable for cleaning
2.00%  particularly adaptable
1.99%  adaptable to circumscribe
1.97%  adaptable [effectiveness] it
1.86%  adaptable to use
1.73%  adaptable to design
1.55%  especially adaptable
1.51%  adaptable [effectiveness] assembly
1.48%  universally adaptable
1.45%  adaptable [effectiveness] make
1.44%  adaptable to bicycle
1.41%  adaptable [effectiveness] means
1.37%  adaptable [effectiveness] mechanism
1.33%  adaptable [effectiveness] embodiment
1.31%  adaptable [effectiveness] apparatus
1.27%  adaptable [effectiveness] valve
1.26%  adaptable to configuration
1.15%  adaptable for provide
1.09%  adaptable [effectiveness] member
1.04%  adaptable [effectiveness] end
1.04%  adaptable [effectiveness] provide
1.00%  adaptable for mount
0.97%  adaptable [effectiveness] method
0.97%  adaptable to receive
0.94%  adaptable in vehicle
0.93%  more adaptable
0.82%  adaptable [effectiveness] engine
0.52%  system [attribute] adaptable


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