Concordance for verb act


The page lists top contexts for verb act and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
3.47%  force [does] act
3.47%  pressure [does] act
1.81%  act on piston
1.66%  spring [does] act
1.12%  act upon piston
0.99%  valve [reference] act
0.74%  act on valve
0.59%  piston [does] act
0.58%  chamber [does] act
0.54%  act on end
0.54%  act upon member
0.53%  means [does] act
0.51%  brake [reference] act
0.50%  means [reference] act
0.48%  torque [does] act
0.47%  piston act
0.46%  act on wheel
0.46%  move to act
0.45%  directly [temporal] act
0.45%  urge to act
0.44%  load [does] act
0.44%  direction act
0.44%  valve [does] act
0.44%  act modal will
0.42%  act on area
0.42%  act on member
0.41%  prevent to act
0.38%  act in direction
0.37%  act like stop
0.37%  act piston [perform operation]
0.37%  act on element
0.36%  brake [does] act
0.36%  act on surface
0.36%  fluid [does] act
0.34%  member [does] act
0.34%  member [reference] act
0.34%  opposition act
0.33%  act on shoe
0.33%  element [reference] act
0.32%  act on diaphragm
0.31%  act upon rod
0.31%  act modal can
0.31%  close to act
0.31%  bias to act
0.30%  cylinder [does] act
0.28%  act upon valve
0.27%  act upon surface
0.26%  act upon chamber
0.26%  stop [reference] act
0.26%  act upon wheel
0.25%  fuel [does] act
0.25%  act ADVP counter
0.25%  act on face
0.25%  hold to act
0.24%  device [reference] act
0.24%  simultaneously [temporal] act
0.24%  rod [does] act
0.24%  act on means
0.24%  spring [reference] act
0.24%  act upon area
0.24%  act upon cylinder
0.23%  chamber [reference] act
0.23%  act upon body
0.23%  maintain to act
0.23%  separate to act
0.23%  act on shaft
0.22%  control to act
0.22%  act on plunger
0.22%  source [reference] act
0.22%  valve act
0.22%  lift to act
0.22%  act against piston
0.22%  member act
0.22%  assembly [does] act
0.22%  act upon arm
0.22%  moment [does] act
0.22%  spring [temporal] act
0.22%  side act
0.22%  filter [reference] act
0.21%  end [does] act
0.21%  so [resume] act
0.21%  surface act
0.21%  manner [manner] act
0.21%  act upon end
0.21%  fulcrum [reference] act
0.20%  element [does] act
0.20%  piston [reference] act
0.20%  area act
0.20%  act upon diaphragm
0.19%  end act
0.19%  open to act
0.19%  pump [reference] act
0.19%  reduce to act
0.19%  act on vehicle
0.19%  device [does] act
0.18%  act on side
0.18%  retain to act
0.18%  act on cylinder
0.18%  act on disc
0.18%  cam [does] act
0.18%  surface [does] act
0.18%  act upon side
0.18%  act on needle
0.18%  act on device
0.18%  act on rod
0.18%  act on part
0.17%  chamber act
0.17%  force to act
0.17%  act in concert
0.17%  act on body
0.17%  act like means
0.16%  acceleration [does] act
0.16%  act like valve
0.16%  passage [reference] act
0.16%  face act
0.16%  actuator [does] act
0.16%  increase to act
0.15%  oppose to act
0.15%  force act
0.15%  portion [does] act
0.15%  vacuum [does] act
0.15%  difference [does] act
0.15%  plate [does] act
0.15%  apply to act
0.15%  act on spool
0.14%  act upon plunger
0.14%  seal [reference] act
0.14%  not act
0.14%  act on chamber
0.14%  arm [does] act
0.14%  sleeve [does] act
0.14%  act upon vehicle
0.14%  throttle [reference] act
0.14%  act between piston
0.14%  act on brake
0.14%  rod act
0.14%  motor [does] act
0.14%  act on lever
0.13%  limit to act
0.13%  needle act
0.13%  act between member
0.13%  switch [reference] act
0.13%  act like guide
0.13%  act on ball
0.13%  lever [reference] act
0.13%  lever [does] act
0.13%  act upon roller
0.13%  act on arm
0.13%  act through arm
0.13%  act against pressure
0.13%  component [does] act


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