Concordance for noun abs


The page lists top contexts for noun abs and their percentages (as applied to automotive subject domain).

Share  Phrase
15.28%  abs control
6.25%  abs mode
4.62%  abs valve
4.26%  abs process
3.88%  abs operation
3.38%  abs controller
3.18%  abs actuator
3.04%  abs system
2.93%  abs function
2.78%  abs pump
2.29%  abs reservoir
1.91%  abs modulator
1.84%  abs actuation
1.72%  abs equip
1.72%  abs algorithm
1.63%  abs unit
1.62%  abs cycle
1.39%  abs event
1.37%  atms abs
1.14%  abs condition
1.12%  abs objective
1.11%  operate abs [perform operation]
1.04%  abs pressure
0.94%  abs [does] apply
0.94%  abs signal
0.93%  abs cycling
0.90%  abs [does] operate
0.87%  abs activity
0.82%  abs [does] respond
0.78%  abs flag
0.75%  abs [does] work
0.74%  abs [does] hold
0.70%  known [social status] abs
0.70%  abs situation
0.67%  abs braking
0.66%  embodiment abs
0.62%  abs modulation
0.58%  anti-lock [producing effect] abs
0.57%  abs tooth
0.56%  abs orifice
0.54%  abs microprocessor
0.52%  conventional [typicality] abs
0.51%  abs release
0.50%  abs motor
0.50%  relate abs [perform operation]
0.46%  activate abs [perform operation]
0.45%  abs stop
0.45%  abs processing
0.44%  abs section
0.44%  abs sensor
0.43%  abs resin
0.42%  abs circuit
0.42%  abs flow
0.41%  abs action
0.39%  abs logic
0.38%  abs module
0.37%  abs [does] function
0.36%  abs [does] comprise
0.36%  abs routine
0.36%  deactivate abs [perform operation]
0.35%  abs change
0.35%  abs characteristic
0.34%  abs [does] include
0.33%  abs [using as instrument] equip
0.33%  abs [connection] apply
0.33%  require abs [perform operation]
0.32%  abs requirement
0.32%  abs engagement
0.30%  active [motion] abs
0.30%  provide abs [perform operation]
0.28%  abs case
0.26%  abs parameter
0.26%  abs state
0.25%  have abs [perform operation]
0.25%  abs design
0.24%  abs channel
0.23%  abs input
0.23%  abs [does] control
0.23%  typical [typicality] abs
0.22%  abs [does] come
0.22%  prior [chronology] abs
0.21%  art abs
0.21%  system abs
0.21%  abs switch
0.20%  abs means
0.19%  abs it
0.18%  abs component
0.18%  abs [does] become
0.17%  design abs [perform operation]
0.16%  type abs
0.15%  abs device
0.14%  utilize abs [perform operation]
0.14%  abs [does] prevent
0.13%  abs [does] provide
0.13%  abs [does] have
0.13%  show abs [perform operation]
0.11%  signal abs


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